2023-2024 Music City Gator Club Board Of Directors

Only University of Florida Alumni Association members in good standing will be eligible to hold any office and/or serve on the Board of Directors of the Club.  Terms of office for officers begin on July 1.

The Music City Gator Club (“MCGC”) Board of Directors meets monthly or as deemed by the President.  Board members are expected to attend each meeting physically or via electronic device.

Click each position title below to expand and read a description of the role and its expectations.

President (Marcelo Cortes)

The President shall preside at all MCGC, Board, and Executive Committee meetings, appoint chairs and committee members, serve as chair of the Nominating Committee and any Committees of the Whole, and perform other such duties as prescribed in the Club Bylaws or as assigned by the Board. The President is authorized on behalf of the MCGC to sign any reports required by law or by the Board, the Executive Committee, or the Alumni Association, or otherwise incident to the office. The President will work with the Treasurer to prepare and submit annual reports required by the Alumni Association.

The President shall hold office for a two-year term or as set by the Board. The President shall not hold office for more than four consecutive years. To be considered for this position, the member must have served as a board member with a UFAA Gator Club or Affiliate Club.

President-Elect (Ray Palisoc)

The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President. The role of President-Elect is typically a precursor, although not required, to being the incoming President. This position shall serve as co-chair of the Special Events Committee.

To be considered for this position, the member must have served as a Board member with a UFAA Gator Club or Affiliate Club. In lieu of Board member experience, the Board will consider a nominee with leadership experience at a similar organization.

Secretary (Jennifer Pippin)

The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the MCGC and of the Board. The Secretary supports the Membership Coordinator in maintaining the MCGC membership database and membership contact information and serves as chair of the Scholarship Committee. The Secretary shall perform other duties as delegated by the Board.

Treasurer (E.J. Rabell)

The Treasurer shall have custody of all of the funds of the MCGC, keep a full and accurate account of the receipts and expenditures, and make disbursements as authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall present a monthly financial report to the Board, file financial reports as required by the Alumni Association, and assist the President with the annual report. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as necessary. This role also serves as co-chair of the Special Events Committee.

The Treasurer shall not hold office for more than four consecutive years. To be considered for this position, the member must have served as a Board member for a Gator Club or Affiliate Club. In lieu of Board member experience, the Board will consider a nominee with a business, finance, accounting or related degree and/or work history.

Assistant Treasurer (UFAA held)

The Assistant Treasurer shall be the Executive Director/Secretary of the Alumni Association. The Assistant Treasurer is authorized to sign all tax returns and related documents on behalf of the MCGC.

VP Membership (OPEN)

The VP Membership is responsible for growing the club’s UFAA membership through VIP Card sales and promotion of UFAA member benefits. The VP Membership maintains the membership database list and tracks any or expiring memberships. The VP Membership serves as chair of the Membership Committee and is responsible for planning the club’s service events.

Communications Vice President (Emily Pope)

The Communications VP is responsible for the creation and coordination of communications to the local club and its membership and manages the Social Media Manager and Webmaster. The Communications Vice President shall chair the Communications Committee and coordinate with the Secretary and Membership Coordinator on updates to membership. Members with demonstrated communication skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of Mailchimp and Squarespace are preferred.

Social Media Manager (Natalie Nesius)

The Social Media Manager will work directly with the Communications Vice President to ensure MCGC information is communicated to membership via the MCGC’s social media accounts, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This position is responsible for promoting and posting at least 3 times per week on the MCGC’s social media avenues and during/immediately following any club event. The Social Media Manager serves as a member of the Communications Committee. Members with demonstrated experience in social media coordination are preferred.

Webmaster (Leslie Ballard)

The Webmaster works directly with the Communications Vice President to ensure the Club’s website, email lists, and event registration are active and up-to-date. The Webmaster serves as a member of the Communications Committee. Members with demonstrated experience in web design/management are preferred.

Event & Volunteer Manager (Oliver Barry)

The Event & Volunteer Manager is responsible for assisting with the coordination of all MCGC viewing parties, the annual Kick-Off Party’s silent auction, and recruiting and managing volunteers for events. This position shall chair the Viewing Party Committee and is responsible for maintaining and organizing the MCGC’s storage facility. The Event & Volunteer Manager works directly with all Board members to assist with the organization and direction of members during events.

Young Alumni Coordinator (Caitlyn Nicholson)

The Young Alumni Coordinator works to identify the needs of alumni who are age 35 and younger. This Young Alumni Coordinator develops and coordinates programs that would be of interest to young alumni such as community service projects, career networking events, and social activities. This role works closely with the VP Membership and serves as a member of the Membership Committee and the Special Events Committee.

Directors at Large (Sean Nesius, Kendrick Hippler, Kristie Yates)

A Director At Large is a key support position for all things MCGC. The Directors at Large serve as the main volunteer base and provide support for all club events and activities, as available. There can be multiple members serving in a Director at Large position on the board at the same time. A Director at Large may volunteer to serve as co-chair of any committee and is automatically a member of the Special Events Committee.


Club Bylaws

Click here to download a copy of the Music City Gator Club bylaws and operating rules.

Gator of the Year

Each year our Board of Directors selects one outstanding Gator to honor as our Gator of the Year. Beginning in 2014, this award was named after Tom Watkins, our beloved friend and legendary Music City Gator who passed away in January of that year.